Friday, April 26, 2013

Dried Cranberry Walnut Crostata

I am a bit distracted these days. Lots to do, but sorta lost as to how. As a side effect, I think that my posts will get shorter and shorter, until perhaps only the pictures remain… But the baking must go on! I find that it is a very “grounding” activity for me.

This, too, was for the office. We had some dried cranberries lying around, so I took them home and baked them into a crostata. It was very similar to the Christmas cranberry galette (I have no idea what makes one a galette and the other a crostata), except it was maybe a bit sweeter and crunchier. And less Christmassy for some reason. But just as delish!

I was introduced to a new app that churns out a comic version of your picture. Pretty cool!

I love the juxtaposition of the comic and the real.
I almost expect the piece to taste “funny” :)


  1. I thought the comic version was the unbaked version of the pie.... Anyways, good luck "grounding" yourself with pies!

  2. Hahaha! Confusing the comic with the real...
