Monday, June 10, 2013

Apricot Cheesecake

I’m back! It’s been almost a month since my last pie. Gosh, how I missed baking! The terribly distracting thing is over, and now I need a distraction from my previous distraction. So let the baking begin!

Beautiful, dainty, little apricots :)

Lightly poached in sugar water – this is said to bring out the full flavor of the apricots

Baked with cream cheese, cream, and eggs

Et voila!
This was an interesting sort of pie. There’s no extra sugar added, and all the sweetness comes from the poached apricots and the jam glaze. So it was more creamy than sweet. I normally don’t like fruity chunks in my cakes, but I think I may have to make an apricot exception...



  1. The first picture looks like a pepperoni pizza. :)

  2. What? No way, it's much too pretty!

  3. I agree with Selene! But, it looks delicious just the same. :)

  4. Well, I guess it's two against one. Mental note to self - apricot looks suspiciously like pepperoni when partially submerged in cheese. lol!
