Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pure Rhubarb Pie

I used the rest of the rhubarb I had left to make a mini rhubarb-only pie. It was supposed to have a lattice top, but I settled for a scattering of flowers because there wasn’t enough of the mascarpone dough left. I know, I have the lamest excuses. But I think it came out quite cute! I think I might try it again with berry tarts.

It was my first time eating a pure rhubarb pie (I think), and it was interesting (= strange). The circumstances weren’t optimal to make a proper judgment; I’d baked the pie the day before so the crust was quite soggy, and the rhubarb had been frozen and defrosted… at least twice. Even so, I’d have to say that it sort of felt like I was eating a vegetable, mushy celery perhaps, and I don’t really like vegetables in my dessert. That’s what salads are for. I’d have to try a well-made pie before signing off (or on) to rhubarb. But for now, I say, strange indeed…


  1. reminds me of 약식 that they sell at 떡집..

  2. Haha~ I'd never have thought of that!

  3. Rhubarb pie진짜 좋아하는데ㅜㅜ
    작년 할로윈때 친구가 pumpkin cheese cake만들어서 나눠줬는데 맛있더라구요. 한번 시도해보길! 이미 해봤으려나^^ - 선민친구재윤

  4. 안녕하세요~ 리플 고마워요^^
    루바브파이 레시피가 하나 남았는데, 담에 선민이랑 다 같이 먹어요!
